As part of a pilot program created by Ecole 42 in France, students at 42 Prague will now be able to obtain the "IT Solutions Designer and Developer" certification, a title certified by the RNCP (Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles) under RNCP 36135, corresponding to level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), as well as the "IT Architecture Expert", corresponding to level 7 (RNCP 36137) in accordance with the EQF.
The EQF, or European Qualifications Framework, is a single scale of eight levels into which all qualifications can be classified; it is a common European reference framework that helps to understand, compare and recognize qualifications obtained in the EU. EU Member States and 11 other countries have committed to the EQF to increase its effectiveness and make it easier for employers, workers, and students to understand national and international qualifications and qualifications from third countries. In the Czech Republic, the MoEYS is responsible for assigning national qualification levels to the EQF. The EQF Coordination Point was established at the National Institute of Vocational Education, now the National Institute for Education, based on a proposal approved by the MoEYS.